Repercussões do homicídio de trânsito na vida do suposto causador do acidente na cidade de teresina - pi

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Repercussões do homicídio de trânsito na vida do suposto causador do acidente na cidade de teresina - pi

Francisca Tatiana Dourado Gonçalves, Gehysa Guimarães Alves and Dóris Cristina Gedrat


This study aimed to know traffic homicide repercussions in the life of the supposed causer of the accident. The research is qualitative, with ten drivers responding to criminal proceedings for negligence causing death in traffic. The thematic categories were: traffic accident history; feelings experienced during and after the accident; behavioral changes after the accident; legal repercussions after the traffic accident. The history of traffic accident was reported as a description of how it happened, with the exemption of the author´s responsibility for the fact. The feelings experienced after the accident involved social isolation, fear, anxiety, phobias and other physical and emotional problems. Only one participant reported having established contact with the victim´s family after the accident, followed by discomfort and feelings of threat. There were small judicial implications and behavioral changes indicated more attention to driving and respect to traffic rules. The study indicated the need for policies that contribute for peace in traffic.

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