Gungsun point (BP4) effect on fibromyalgia treatment

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Gungsun point (BP4) effect on fibromyalgia treatment

Helena Landim Gonçalves Cristóvão, Júlio César André, André Bavaresco Gonçalves Cristóvão, Neil Novo, Paula Cristóvão, Yara Juliano and Ysao Yamamura


Objective: Demonstrate BP4 stimulation can treat meridian diseases related to Chong Mai, including FMS. Methods: Prospective, control case, randomized, with “crossing over”; 69 female, older than 21 years, with FMS, also diagnosed by researchers with curious meridian Yang Qiao Mai affection, divided into four groups: Group 1 - 3 sessions in BP4 / 3 sessions with simulation (S); Group 2 - 3 sessions with S / 3 sessions in BP4; Group 3 - 3 sessions in B62-Loc.1; Group 4 - 3 sessions in B62-Loc.2, weekly, for 3 to 6 weeks. Results and Discussion: When we compared the 4 groups, pain improvement was significantly higher when we used BP4, B62-Loc.2 and B62Loc.1 acupoints than S (p < 0.0001). The improvement was maintained in the last three sessions of S, in group 1. Conclusions: Acupuncture showed effectiveness in SFM pain improvement with BP4 and B62, in the studied patients.

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