Proposal for the application of 5s in a medication station in a Hospital in Manaus

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Proposal for the application of 5s in a medication station in a Hospital in Manaus

Wagner Monteiro Bezerra, Mauro César Aparício de Souza, Marden Eufrasio dos Santos and David Barbosa de Alencar


This study aims to propose the implementation of the 5s program at a medication station in a hospital in Manaus, using the Ishikawa diagram tool to identify problems and all possible causes. The daily interaction at the medication station with the five senses causes those involved directly and indirectly to the 5s process and incorporating the PDCA within this implementation as an integrated part of making those involved in the processes better able to understand their role within the organization and makes them part of a pyramid of results achieved, thus implanting a new awareness that it is necessary to be disciplined, using them as means for the control and continuous improvement of the processes at the hospital's medication post, following accreditation procedures, based on the main ISO guidelines and mainly through cultural change, in order to optimize the activities carried out, aiming to be executed in an agile, safe and with higher quality and building a stronger and consolidated image so that the results are reaped from short, medium and long term, becoming a reference in public service.

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