Saúde e realidade vivenciada pelo idoso portador de alzheimer e seus cuidadores: revisão integrativa

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Saúde e realidade vivenciada pelo idoso portador de alzheimer e seus cuidadores: revisão integrativa

Miguel Henrique da Silva dos Santos, Maysa Alves de Sousa, Adriana Gomes Nogueira Ferreira, Ismália Cassandra Costa Maia Dias, Leonel Lucas Smith de Mesquita, Luciana Batalha Sena, Yara Nayá Lopes de Andrade Goiabeira


The objective was to verify in the national scientific production which publications exist about Alzheimer's Disease in elderly people and the reality lived by their caregivers. This is an integrative review. Data collection took place in July 2018, in the electronic databases: Latin American Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Nursing Database (BDENF) and in the digital library. Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). As guiding question was adopted: What are the existing publications on the health of the elderly with Alzheimer's disease and the reality experienced by their caregivers in Brazil? The combined search terms 'Alzheimer', 'Elderly', 'Caregiver' were used resulting in a total of 42 articles which after inclusion and exclusion criteria resulted in 13 articles. Two categories emerged I- Health impairment of the elderly with Alzheimer's disease; II- The caregiver of elderly with Alzheimer’s disease. Later the studies were organized and presented. It was identified the impacts that Alzheimer's disease causes in the elderly, which are responsible for considerable functional and cognitive deficits, were also identified studies on daily care to the elderly, highlighting the stress caused by the burden on the caregiver.

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