Minimum or conscious sedation with use of benzodiazepines in pediatric dentistry

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Minimum or conscious sedation with use of benzodiazepines in pediatric dentistry

Karolaine Barbosa de Assis, Carolina Lousada, Daniela Moreira da Silva Esteves, 1Tayna Gabriele Eschiareti, Ana Maria de Pádua Lemos Benfatti, Patrícia Moreira da Silva Guimarães, Idiberto José Zotarelli Filho, Ana Paula Bernardes Rosa Maluf Abbud, Igor Mariotto Beneti, Patrícia Garani Fernandes and Leandro Moreira Tempest


Minimal or conscious sedation is defined as a state of minimal depression of consciousness obtained with the use of medications in which the patient is able to maintain respiration in a natural and autonomous manner responding to the isolated verbal stimulus or accompanied by tactile stimulation. Among the main drugs used in the minimum sedation are benzodiazepines (BZD), which promote muscle relaxation, lower levels of consciousness, induce drowsiness, reduce anxiety, stress, fear, and phobia. This study aims to analyze the minimal or conscious sedation with the use of BZD in pediatric dentistry through the systematized search of articles in the scientific literature made available in light of the most current knowledge. Minimal or conscious sedation with orally administered BZD is the most recommended and recommended for children due to advantages such as almost universal acceptability, atraumatic route of administration, convenient technique, ease of administration, absence of needles or nasal masks, being economical and low incidence of adverse reactions when obeying the pharmacological protocols of administration, such as vital signs monitoring, detailed anamnesis, emergency kit available in the office. Care these should be taken for greater patient and professional safety. We conclude that minimal or conscious sedation using BZD in pediatric dentistry is efficient, effective being able to promote control of fear, anxiety, and stress, thus ensuring greater tranquility for the patient. Its use is well-founded and guarantees greater safety for pediatric dentists.

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