Urgent protocols for acute apical abscess: literature review

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Review Article

Urgent protocols for acute apical abscess: literature review


Introduction: The dentoalveolar abscess is a purulent collection which arises from apulp infection that has disseminated to the periodontal ligament. It can be characterized as acute or chronic and it is originated from primary or secondary sources. Objective: To review the literature about the acute apical abscess and the therapeutic protocols available for the diagnosticated cases. Materials and Methods: Achieved throughout scientific articles searched from 2009 and 2019, using the following keywords: Periapical lesion, Dentoalveolar Abscess, Infecctions and Endodontics. Results: As the dentoalveolar abscess spontaneously develop, the symptoms progress showing swelling and redness at the patient gingiva and skin, whereas the purulent collection searches for the easiest points for dissipation, inducting the formation of a fistulous path responsible for drainage excretions from the necrotic process present at the covered area. The decision for which treatment should be accomplished varies by patient symptoms, once the dentoalveolar abscess can present local and systemic cases, which can diversify the indicated therapy. Conclusion: The appropriate diagnosis is of major importance to define the patient’s best therapy approach and life maintenance. Once it improves the selection of the best therapy approach to be used and avoid medicine indiscriminate use, mainly antibiotics, and maximally reducing malpractice and/or unnecessary procedures.

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