Proposal of modeling of prototypes of a mobile application using gerontechnology: an approach in the exercise of bodybuilding

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Proposal of modeling of prototypes of a mobile application using gerontechnology: an approach in the exercise of bodybuilding


This article has as the main goal to explain the modeling of prototypes of a mobile application for the management of physical activities practiced by the elderly. Starting from gerontechnology principles, it was first identified the needs and peculiarities in the management of bodybuilding physical activities practiced by the elderly; soon after, a comparative study of the functionalities and applications resources was carried out. From that onward, software engineering and its techniques as a definition of functionalities and screen prototypes for modeling were used. As a result of the comparative study, a small number of mobile applications intended for the elderly and functional gaps that addressed the needs of bodybuilding exercises of this audience were identified. This way, all prototype modeling of the proposed mobile application is explained, and its main screenings are presented.

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