Survival analysis in patients hospitalized with influenza (H1N1)

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Survival analysis in patients hospitalized with influenza (H1N1)

Ericka Holmes Amorim, Isis Milane Batista de Lima, Rozileide Martins Simões Candeia, Larissa Targino Soares de Lucena, João Agnaldo do Nascimento, Jozemar Pereira dos Santos and Tarciana Liberal Pereira de Araújo


This is a descriptive, epidemiological, epidemiological study of the ecological type of a time series, with a quantitative approach, aiming to identify the relationship between social and demographic characteristics in the survival of patients hospitalized for influenza in Paraíba. The research was performed by the method of survival analysis and counted with 2,846 records collected from January to June 2016. Of these patients, 192 (6.7%) died. It was found that the influenza death rate of hospitalized individuals is higher in patients over 50 years of age, hospitalized by clinical specialty, and who incur greater expenses with hospitalization.

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