Analysis Of Road Transport Infrastructure And Traffic Congestion In Ogbomoso, Nigeria

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Analysis Of Road Transport Infrastructure And Traffic Congestion In Ogbomoso, Nigeria


The urban centres are usually plagued by range of transport problems. One of the most significant urban transport problems is traffic congestion. It is experienced when the supply of the urban transport networks can no longer meet the demand for them. This study evaluates road transport infrastructure and traffic congestion in the city of Ogbomoso, Nigeria. The study used primary data which were obtained in the major traffic corridors through random and accidental sampling techniques from 60 respondents (commuters and vehicle operators) in Ogbomoso. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Analysis of Variance was also used to examine differences in the traffic congestion across the traffic corridors. The results indicated that there exist road infrastructure in the study area like bridges, bus tops and motor parks among others of which most are in fair conditions. It is observed that 66.7% of respondent are of the opinion that the level of traffic congestion along the route is high. Findings from Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) reveals that with F-value of 8.422 and P-value of 0.000, it is observed that there is significant differences in the incidence of traffic congestion along the traffic corridor in Ogbomoso at p<0.05 confidence level. Pedestrian Safety Measures and Prohibition of On-Street Parking among others are some of the recommendations suggested to enhance smooth road traffic in the study area.

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