Analysing the state of implementation of an integrated management system in a mining company in Poland

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Analysing the state of implementation of an integrated management system in a mining company in Poland

Patrycja Bąk


The current state of hard coal mining in Poland is the result of many years of technological, organizational and also economic and social changes. Constantly, often in a dynamic manner, changing environmental conditions, both external and internal hard coal mines, require adaptation (improvement) measures. Their goal is, above all, gaining a competitive advantage, not only on the domestic market, but also on the global market for many years. In addition to technological and technical changes that are associated with the improvement of the mining production process, organizational innovations play an extremely important role. The development of management methods entails the emergence of new organizational solutions. For several years, quality management systems, occupational health and safety as well as safety systems have been implemented in Polish mining enterprises. In order for the implementation of the integrated management system to bring the expected results, it is first and foremost necessary that the introduced changes be accepted by the management and the crew of the enterprises. This issue is precisely devoted to the considerations contained in this article.

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