The influence of the composes of the media compost coffee skin, the appropriate way of determine the diameter vanilla stem for the growth of the vanilla (vanilla planifolia andrews) with three different soil types

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

The influence of the composes of the media compost coffee skin, the appropriate way of determine the diameter vanilla stem for the growth of the vanilla (vanilla planifolia andrews) with three different soil types

Elda Guteres da Silva, Domingos C.B.B. Gomes and Edmundo Viegas


The VanillaplanifoliaAndrews plants is a plantation commodity with high economic value and stablemarket price and is one of the quite valuable export commodities which can increase a farmer’s income and the State’s finances. This research is aimed at discovering the influence of the composition of the Media Compost Coffee Skin, the appropriate way of determine the Diameter Vanilla Stem for the growth of the Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) with three Different Soil Types.The vanilla plant, vanilla planifolia Andrews, is in the family of Orchidaceae, which is often referred to the orchid of flower's or scented orchid which have long been recognized by society and cultivated, because those plants worth economizing high and fairly well-known in the international market as a Vanilla Java Bean. Therefore, the fruit vanilla dubbed “green gold” in addition to the high cost, it is also utilized as an ingredient of the food industry, beverages, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. But the obstacles faced by vanillafarmers currently i.e., cultivation techniques that are not yet precise and less available seeds, so the effect on the improvement of the results either in quality or quantity. The purpose of this research is to: 1) find out the planting medium composted bark, coffee with diameter stem of different panel will provide the growth and vanilla development of the plant seed in planting on three different soil types. 2) to know the dose of compost and the diameter of the stem worthy vanilla towards the growth and development of plant seed penile against three different soil types. 3) Knowing the composition of planting media combining compost coffee skin with a diameter of vanilla stem influence on growth and development of plants vanilla seedson three different soil types. The design used in this study was a randomized Design Group (RAK) arranged in factorial, which consists of two factors. The first factor is the media treatment of the planting is M0 = control (land), M1 = land + compost (1:2:1), M2 = land + compost (2:1:2), M3 = land + compost (2:2:2) combined with the three types of soil and the second Factor is the diameter of the vanilla stem = 0.25 mm is a D0, D1 = 1.25 mm, D2 = D3 = 2.25 mm, 3.25 mm combined with 3 types of soil which repeats. The experiment consists of 16 units of treatment combining and each treatment was repeated three times so that the required 48 poly beg/plants experiment. Observations were made to the vanillaand seedling growth variables of component crops. The collected data were analyzed with the analysis Variant (yout range) according to the experimental design was used. If there is a real interaction influence against the observed variable is then continued with a different test studies on average use the test double distance Duncan (DMRT) on levels 5% and if only a single factor in a real influence, then proceed with the average difference test with test BNT on tarap 5%. Based on the results of research that the media Treatment, planting with comparison (1:2:1) combined with the diameter of the vanilla stem treatment code 3.25 (M1D3) can increase the growth of plant vanilla seed. The real interaction happening against the growth of vanilla seedling on media treatment of planting coffee bark compost with a diameter of stem. On the media's treatment of planting soil + sand + compost by comparison (1:2:1) is the best composition with the maximum diameter stem of 3.25 mm vanilla is ideal with maximum results. Manleuana soil type and soil type Comoro is suitable for soil type seedling of vanilla stem.

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