Chronic low back pain& psychological comorbidity

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Chronic low back pain& psychological comorbidity

Osama E. El Dib, Saber abd El Azeem, Manal S. Awadh and Mahmoud Rizk


Aim:Low back pain is a common disease, and it is observed at least once in 70-85% of the population during their lifetime.Chronic low back pain (CLBP)interferes with the physical ability and mobility of high number of people. This study will determine if there is a relationship between mental disorders including depression, hypochondriasis and anxiety, and the functional status of patients suffering from chronic low back pain.Subjects and methods: The study was performed on a sample of 200 agreed to participate in this cross-sectional study. The patients were divided equally into two separate groups: first group consisted patients with chronic low back pain with clear organic lesion and validated radiologically.The second group consisted of patients with chronic low back pain in which no clinical and radiological confirmation for an organic lesion, or called functional group. Every patient has undergone to the following procedures: A) Medical evaluation including (Neurological evaluation, systemic examination mainly gynecological examination in all female patients and radiological examination mainly Plain x-ray of lumbosacral spine and Magnetic Resonence Imaging(MRI) lumbosacral spine. B) The psychological evaluation used to measure anxiety, depression and hypochondriasis by adopting the MMPI Questionnaire Results: This study sample has included 53% males and 47% females in organic group while 30% males and 70% females in functional group. In Organic group, age and LBPwere found to be significantly associated. Radiation was absent in 9% of patients in organic group and in 60% of patients in functional group. Parathesia present in 85% of organic group, while functional group 20%. 70% of those in organic group and 25% of those in functional group reported severe pain.Depressionwas observed in 15% oforganic group participants and in 35% of patients of functional group in LBP patients. Depression scores reported in the functional group are strikingly higher than that inthe group with organic lesion.Anxiety were (14%) in organic group, 20% in functional group, hysteria scores in the second group are decidedly higher than that in the group with organic lesions. Hypochondriasis disorders reported in 9.5%of organic pain patients and in 15% of functional pain group.Hypochondriasis scorewas found to be definitely higher in the functional groupthan in the organic group.Conclusion: Depression, anxiety, and hypochondriasis are highly prevalent among people with chronic low back pain. So in order to manage the pain, it is useful to treat patient’s mental dysfunctions that will probably improve their functional status. This way, patients can avoid addictive management and treatment regimens prescribed by their physician to treat their functional disabilities.

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