Electronic biomedical dynamometer for measurement, analysis and registration of palmar force and force information in time

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Electronic biomedical dynamometer for measurement, analysis and registration of palmar force and force information in time

Fernanda Guerreiro de Paula, Josivaldo G. Silva, Andrés Batista Cheung and Isabella Fenner Rondon


The developed electronic biomedical dynamometer was able to measure palmar grip strength and varying forces over time in people whose physical capacity ranges from 0 N up to 1400 N. The mechanical structure is composed of two cylindrical PVC rods, two steel supports, one finger backing, other backing for the palm of the hand and a dynamometric ring containing resistive extensometers. The mechanical structure is composed of two cylindrical PVC rods, where two steel supports are connected, two backings being one for the palm and one for the fingers of the hand, besides having a dynamometric ring where resistive extensometers were bonded. The application of forces by the fingers and by palm of the hand on the backings stretches the steel wire that causes the stretching of the dynamometric ring and produces a corresponding electric signal. This signal is subjected to the signal conditioning circuit for treatment and production of DC electric signal which is digitized by the data acquisition board which sends the signal to the microcomputer containing computational interface that was developed with the Labview software for plotting of graphics, showing the behavior of the forces, indicating maximum and minimum points, being important in the health area.

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