Evaluation of the influence of the diet on the onset of caries in children aged 2 to 5 years in a city in southwestern Bahia

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Evaluation of the influence of the diet on the onset of caries in children aged 2 to 5 years in a city in southwestern Bahia

Luciana Evangelista Brito, Cosme Evangelista de Brito, Larissa Alves Guimarães, Beatriz Rocha Sousa, Iaggo Raphael David, Matheus Lemos Silva, Daiseane da Silva Andrade, Alfredo Mauricio Batista De Paula, Felipe Oliveira Bittencourt and Stenio F


Introduction: Dental caries known to be a multifactorial disease is presented as the most prevalent alteration of oral health in the world andis the main cause of extractions of deciduous and permanent teeth. Goal: The objective of the study was caracterize the condition of Improveme of mouth, evaluating the Index Ceo-D and its relationship with the presence of carbohydrates in the diet In Children aged between 2 and 5. Methodology: This is Cross-sectional, observational, analytical and quantitative research, Comprised of 108 children. Data collection was carried out in a daycare center of the Municipal Public Education Network. Clinical examinations were performed Intraoral and questionnaires to investigate the dietary habits of the research subjects. Results: O It was reported that 57.40% of the sample had some decate tooth, totaling 242 teeth, equivalent to index Ceo-d of 2.24 teeth decayed per child. Conclusion: A carbohydrate-rich diet alone is not capable of provoking the onset of caries, this fact will occur when the host diet, carbohydrate exposure time and deficient hygiene are associated. The ideal is that parents and caregivers are instructed to perform a correct hygiene of the oral cavity of children, to prevent the onset of oral diseases.

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