First contact access of the child to primary health care services: Integrative Review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Review Article

First contact access of the child to primary health care services: Integrative Review

STRECK, Mônica Tábata Heringer, GOMES, Bruna Cristiane Furtado, CARVALHO, Jordana Lopes, SODER, Ângela Barbieri, WEILLER, Teresinha Heck and DAMACENO, Adalvane Nobres


With identifying the scientific evidence about the essential attribute of the First Contact Access of the child in Primary Health Care. This is an integrative review, carried out in the databases LILACS, PubMed, SCOPUS and Web of Science, in the period from June to August of 2018, totaling 14 productions. For the critical evaluation of the primary studies, the level of evidence classification was used. In the studies accessibility has been limited in aspects: service hours, ethnic and racial disparities in child care, difficulties in scheduling consultations in other levels of care, prioritization of emergency and emergency services and the location of units. Primary Health Care services need to consider the child's increased biological and social vulnerability for specific programming and provision of greater access.

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