Diversity and production constraints of bambara groundnut (vignasubterranea L.) in dry savannah of togo

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
8 pages
Research Article

Diversity and production constraints of bambara groundnut (vignasubterranea L.) in dry savannah of togo

Agboka Komi, Tchegueni Matotiloa, Tounou A. Kodjo and Aziadekey G. Mawuli


Bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.], a grain-legume is a neglected and under used crop in Africa and Togo in particular. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the diversity of Bambara groundnut in the dry savannah zones of Togo, crop management practices and challenges faced by farmers in sustainable production of the crop. A survey followed by collection of Bambara groundnut accessions was therefore undertaken in the seven districts of Kara Region. A total of 107 producers were randomly interviewed and 133 landraces were collected. The results showed that twelve morphotypes of different colours were grown by both men (59%) and women (41%) on small area (0.12 - 1ha) without fertilizer and pesticides. Cream (62%) and red (14.04%) landraces were the most grown. Corresponding factor analysis revealed specificity of each district according to the morphotypes found. The major constraint indicated by almost all respondents (95%) was the seed infestation by storage pests, mostly the bruchids. To control the attacks of these insects, producers store Bambara groundnut as seeds or pods in cans (52%), jars (9%), bags (22%) and granaries (6%) and by adding ash and botanicals for insect pests’ control. Production sustainability and crop improvement were discussed.

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