Blended learning academies – connecting literacy & technology

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Blended learning academies – connecting literacy & technology

Timothy Brannan


The mission of Blended Learning Academies is to foster, support, and promote excellence in high school, targeting at-risk students using a blended model; to enhance student engagement in secondary education; to encourage adoption of innovative teaching and learning practices that meet the needs of today’s diverse student population; and facilitate student development and academic success that encourages 21st century learning ( Blended Learning Academies is a school that demonstrates and models the latest in effective blended learning practices. Blended Learning Academies: • Supports face-to-face and blended education for secondary students; • Provides increased access to today’s diverse 9 -12 student population offering programs for career placement, advancement, transition, or advanced studies; • Integrates innovative teaching practices using technology-enhanced, blended, and fully online courses; • Engages students in the learning process as opposed to traditional educational structures; • Utilizes best practices in project-based learning in a real-world focus as a context for the learning process; • Incorporates innovative 21st Century Skills: communication, collaboration, critical thinking & problem solving. The Academy’s goal is to focus on the students and have them take ownership of their learning, guided by highly qualified teachers in their content fields. Student success will be based on individualized support; appropriate, challenging education; and collegial environment, every child can reach his or her potential. Where “traditional” school districts utilize “sit and click” software for credit recovery, the Academy model infuses educators into the learning environment to act as motivators and educational guides. During recent strategic planning between administration and the school board, two key areas of curricular focus have arisen, the first technology integration and the second literacy instruction. This paper will address how to blend both effectively.

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