The Price Of Memories

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
9 pages
Research Article

The Price Of Memories

Yulia Tertytsia and Paul D. Berger


Digital cameras play a significant role in the dynamics of the camera universe. The goal of this study is to predict the price of a digital camera based on a set of attributes, as well as to identify the attributes/ variables that significantly contribute to its price estimation. We obtained our data set from Perso Telecom Paristech. The dependent variable is Price (US dollars); independent variables include Weight, Model (Maker), Zoom Tele, Zoom Wide, Macro Focus Range, Dimensions, Low Resolution, and Effective Pixels. We used Multiple Regression, Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network, and Decision Tree models for analyzing the data. The study revealed that camera Weight, Maker, and Zoom Tele are the most significant attributes in estimating the price of a digital camera.

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