Multi professional team and regulation: an interface required at sistema único de saúde

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Multi professional team and regulation: an interface required at sistema único de saúde

Luzia Beatriz Rodrigues Bastos, Maria Alves Barbosa, Diniz Antonio de Sena Bastos, Angélica do Socorro Coelho Rodrigues Lucas, Ediene Silva Barros, Everton Benedito Barbosa Monteiro, Aline Guedes de Almeida and Cáritas Silva das Mercês


Objective: To understand how the multiprofessional team acts in the regulation of health in a Brazilian capital, highlighting the difficulties faced, in front of the technical management of the regulation in public health. Methodology: An exploratory descriptive study of a qualitative way, through a semi-structured interview, applied in fifteen professionals working at the SUS regulation. The data were analyzed using the Bardin technique. Results and Discussion: Two categories emerged from the interviews: the experience of the multiprofessional team in health regulation; and the need for regulation in the user's access to health services. The presence of professionals with diverse backgrounds, collaborates in the construction of a more integrated assistance, that allows to benefit the users; and establish constructive links for improvement in work. It is necessary to discuss the reality experienced by regulatory professionals, their expectations regarding the importance of their activities, and the need for regulation, for the effectiveness of health systems. Conclusion. Obstacles in terms of operation and functionality interfere in the multiprofessional performance in health regulation, which is reflected in the weakness of the country's health system, causing problems that affect user care and the quality of care.

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