Evaluation of knowledge of nurses regarding complications related to mechanical ventilation

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Evaluation of knowledge of nurses regarding complications related to mechanical ventilation

Yara de Oliveira Sampaio, Natasha Marques Frota, Rayane de Sousa Batista, Rafael Melo Lopes, Jaqueline Diógenes da Silva, Joanna Darlen de Sousa Pereira, Synara de Fátima Bezerra de Lima, Francisco Germano Ferreira da Silva, Felipe Silva Santos, Elis Regina Bastos Alves, Laércia Ferreira Martins, Francisco Lailson de Oliveira, Thereza Emanuelle Alves de Oliveira, Rafaella Alice da Rocha and Maria Jociele Rodrigues Santana


The aim of this study was to evaluate nurses' knowledge about complications related to mechanical ventilation. It is a descriptive, exploratory and quantitative approach, elaborated from the data collection structured by a questionnaire with nurses of a tertiary-level hospital in the city of Fortaleza / Ce, from February to July 2017. The results were submitted to simple regressive statistics using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0. Of the nurses interviewed, 86.36% reported not having enough information to care for a patient under mechanical ventilation during graduation, and 77.52% of the respondents claimed that they would not know the complications related to mechanical ventilation. It is concluded that nurses need to be trained and trained about ventilation-related complications, so that these professionals effectively participate in the construction of their evidence-based practice process, propagating a safe and holistic care to the patient.

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