Survey on the academic production on indigenous mental health in Rondônia, Porto Velho, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Survey on the academic production on indigenous mental health in Rondônia, Porto Velho, Brazil

Miriã Ortiz Passos de Andrade, Rafael Ademir Oliveira de Andrade, Evanice Santos and Erika Crisostomo Albuquerque


This article aims to conduct a survey and analysis of the scientific production about the psychological attention in the indigenous health in the state of Rondônia, federative unit of Brazil. We have as a working methodology bibliometrics directed to the use of social, human and health sciences, focusing on the qualitative aspects of the works listed. Thus, our procedures are based on the survey of articles, dissertations and theses on the subject published in Rondônia and in the Rondonian context, and afterwards an analysis of their objectives, methods and conclusions. It is intended to delimit the academic discussions on the subject from these publications. We conclude that there are a small number of productions on the theme as well as participation in events and that the productions analyzed show low attention to the question of indigenous mental health.

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