Fall characterization among hospitalized elderly: Implications for nursing and patient safety

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Fall characterization among hospitalized elderly: Implications for nursing and patient safety

Erika Silva, Katiane Léssia Dias dos Santos, André Nobre de Oliveira, Deise Conrad, Evelyn Morais, Juliana Guisardi Pereira, Beatriz Gerbassi


The purpose of this study was to analyze the profile of elderly patients victims of falls, in a hospital of Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. It used a descriptive and quantitative approach; the data collection was made in documents of the institution (notifications of sentinel events), and organized with the help of Excel program, triangulating the data to enable the association of the findings with the theory. Falls were more frequent in oriented men, the majority of the falls occurred during the night, involving mobilization to use the bathroom, and indicating desorientation int these situations. The elderly are vulnerable to falls in the hospital scenario, what interferes in their functional capacity, independence, autonomy and quality of life. Nursing actions should promote the safety of this public, through the establishment of an individual care plan, adressing environmental issues, and awareness of health staff.

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