The snowball effect: spiraling one simple idea into profitable research projects

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

The snowball effect: spiraling one simple idea into profitable research projects

Dr. Richard Schuttler and Dr. Elisabeth Musil


The purpose of this exposition research is to provide a reflection of one logical, sound, and systematic approach of how to convert qualitative information to a quantitative Likert-type survey. The research process of data collection and data analysis revealed within provides reflections of an understanding of how one not need not have a grandiose vision in a formalized research agenda to conduct research where its outcomes can serve others in meaningful ways. The implications of the information contained recommends how one small research effort can lead into many unknowable publications that can serve others in many significant ways as well as one’s own research agenda. Finally, should a researcher have a passion for a topic, doing small exercises can be an enjoyable and developmental tool for data collection.

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