Theoretical and methodological contributions to the contingent evaluation of the natural resources of the carajás national forest

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Theoretical and methodological contributions to the contingent evaluation of the natural resources of the carajás national forest

Antônio Cordeiro de Santana, Ádamo Lima de Santana, Mário Miguel Amin, Rafael de Paiva Salomão, Nilson Luiz Costa, Marcos Antônio Souza dos Santos and Alexandre Franco Castilho


The objective of this research is to estimate the value of the canga vegetation in the Carajás Flona, which includes rare and endemic species. An economic and ecological approach was used to selectthe explanatory variables of the integrated contingent valuation method (ICVM), specified by the equations willingness to pay (WTP) for the preservation and willingness to accept (WTA), and the canga´s indemnity. The mean values of WTP and WTA were R$ 4,073.84/ha and R$ 4,415.56/ha, respectively. The difference between these average values was only 8.39%, attributed to the clarifications made to the interviewees regarding the characteristics and economic and ecological potentialities of canga. The values of WTP and WTA were composed by the economic dimensions of 52.1% and 59.5%; sociodemographic of 11.7% and 10.2%; ecosystem services of 20.05% and 16.8%; and tacit dimension of 15.7% and 13.6%.

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