Swacha bharat abhiyan mission

International Journal of Development Research

Swacha bharat abhiyan mission


Pratha Samajik Sanstha marked the celebration of Children’s Day and World Toilet Day by carrying out a community sensitization and awareness programme on cleanliness, sanitation, health and hygiene across the slums of Ramabai Nagar, Kamraj Nagar, Nalanda-RTO and Netaji Nagar in collaboration with Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (Municipal Sewage Disposal Project, Slum Sanitation Programme and Solid Waste Management Programme), Balpraffulata and eleven local CBO’s of the area. The aim of the six-day long programme was to create awareness about benefits of hygienic and clean surroundings which would reduce open-defecation in the community and make it a better and happier place to live in. Pratha believes that sanitation is not only a parameter of health and hygiene but also a very clear indicator of the level of social development of the community as well as life expectancy of people living there. The programme included medical check-up camp, street plays, clean-up campaigns and open discussion sessions of the community with MCGM Officers. The community thoroughly participated and benefited from the programme. More than 175 children got their medical check-up done in their schools. Women and children got to know about their vulnerability towards unhygienic conditions The programme was successfully concluded on a positive note and new demands of toilet blocks got generated in the community. The programme brought together all parts of society – Government, Civil Society and Community for a noble cause for a contented society.  

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