Sleep Quality Among Adolescents: A Review of Prevalence, Factors, and Interventions

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Review Article

Sleep Quality Among Adolescents: A Review of Prevalence, Factors, and Interventions

Swetha Gridhar


The review study utilizes the current literature on sleep quality among adolescents, including the prevalence of sleep disturbances, factors contributing to poor sleep quality, and effective interventions for promoting healthy sleep habits. A comprehensive search of major databases yielded 24 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The findings indicate that sleep disturbances are a pervasive problem among adolescents, with approximately 70% of high school students reporting insufficient sleep. The widespread use of screens and digital devices, caffeine and nicotine consumption, stress and anxiety, and irregular sleep schedules are identified as significant contributors to sleep disturbances. Effective interventions, such as establishing consistent sleep schedules, creating sleep-conducive environments, and avoiding screens before bedtime, are discussed. This review highlights the critical need for addressing sleep disturbances among adolescents and provides insights for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to promote healthy sleep habits.

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