B-school Libraries: Bridging the gap Between users and Information in the Digital Era

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

B-school Libraries: Bridging the gap Between users and Information in the Digital Era

Dr. A. Kalisdha


This research article investigates the profound effects of emerging trends in B-School Library Management Systems on library users, with a particular focus on business and management education. Analyzing key components such as automation, data analytics, and digital accessibility, the study explores how these trends contribute to an enriched user experience and academic success. The integration of modern technologies, including AI-driven chatbots, Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR), is examined for their impact on immediate assistance, interactive learning, and immersive research experiences. The article also enquires into the significance of enhanced collaboration and resource sharing through interlibrary loan services and collaborative agreements with other institutions. In conclusion, the research highlights the evolving role of B-School libraries as dynamic entities fostering innovation, inclusivity, and enriched academic journeys for students, faculty and researchers.

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