An Unusual Case of Cystic Lung Disease with small Cell Lung Cancer

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
2 pages
Research Article

An Unusual Case of Cystic Lung Disease with small Cell Lung Cancer

Animesh Mandal, Ranjit Kumar Haldar, Dr. Swapnamoy Ghosh and Sayanta Bera


Cystic lung disease is nowadays being increasingly identified as newer diagnostics facilities are available. Cystic lung disease is a broad group starting from infection like pneumocystis to even malignancy. In our case a young female from Rural Bengal came with a history of cough and progressive dyspneoa for 3 years and hemoptysis and weight loss for 3 months. She had clubbing and on auscultation of chest bilateral basal crepts were heard. Her previous reports showed that she had done an HRCT thorax already 4 months ago which revealed a cystic lung disease. She was also positive for anti Scl 70 antibody and treatment with Sirolimus was given by Rheumatology department. However due to the presenting symptoms we did a new HRCT thorax which revealed a Lung mass that on CT true cut biopsy proved to be a Small Cell Lung Cancer . This is a proof that cystic lung disease if not investigated thoroughly and followed up regularly may be a misdiagnosed case of another lung disease that me land up disastrous.

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