A feasability study on low cost capsule hotels in india

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

A feasability study on low cost capsule hotels in india

Dr. Asha, S, Vyshnavi, A., Dhroov Pugalia, Darshan Surendra and Samriddhi Dutta


Capsule Hotel Next Generation Smart Hotel caters to both your business and rest requirements. The first of its kind in India, Metro Station. With its futuristic Concept and feeding to the new- age trippers , business & rest, Civic cover is ultramodern, swish & minimalistic. It offers good- value without compromising on comfort, quality & feel while offering a unique experience. The cover design makes it a great place to network Civic cover is the concoction of youthful entrepreneurs who partake common passion & values that of doing effects else, creating commodity new & innovative that' adds value' to the guests and the society at large. Civic cover aims to fill the gap in the hospitality assiduity by offering a unique product that provides an alternate, practical & SMART accommodation (good value- for- plutocrat) without compromising on quality, safety, comfort Capsule hostel firm Civic cover in expansion mode, looks to raise Rs20 crore Civic cover is looking to introduce capsule hotels at road stations and passage centres across the country.

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