Study the correlation and regression equation for some economic traits on broiler ross 308 fed on nutrition with different levels of parsley oi

International Journal of Development Research

Study the correlation and regression equation for some economic traits on broiler ross 308 fed on nutrition with different levels of parsley oi


To study the correlation and regression  equations   for some  economic  traits   as  Body weight, length, keel length, dressing  percentage, carcass  weight, breast  and  legs weights  on  Broiler Ross308  fed on different  levels of parsley oil. 200 chicks one day old were reared  till 35 days, grouped for four nutrient  treatments  50 chick/treatment 2 replicates  as (T1 control  group without  parsley oil, T2 nutrient  with 15% parsley oil, T3  nutrient  with 30% parsley oil and  T4 nutrient  with 45% parsley oil). Each of live body weight B.W, body length B.L, keel length K.L were recorded weekly. At 5th week   dressing percentage, carcass   weight, Brest and legs weight were recorded too. Results  indicated  that  using  parsley  oil  with  any level  15%, 30%, 45%  with nutrition treatments improve  bird performance which appears clearly with the  highest correlation and regression values among study traits compared with the control so that   gives a good relation and indicator between body weight  or  measurements  that why  it could be used to predicate programs with highly final body composition to be used  as a phenotypic  selection index in order to  reduce  cost  rearing   or period  with  highest economic  gain  also.

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