Effects of creatine supplementation in alzheimer's patients

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Effects of creatine supplementation in alzheimer's patients

Anna Luiza Rosa de Souza, Ana Luisa Ribeiro Henriques, Clara Alves França, Luciana Ferreira Soares, Mateus Laia de Oliveira, Pedro Braga França, Sofia Angélica Sousa Araújo and Lucas Ferreira Alves


Creatine is an amino acid compound present mainly in muscle fibers and in the brain, very important for the process of supplying and depositing intracellular energy. Its antioxidant action offers a therapeutic possibility in neurodegeneration processes, which involve oxidative stress of the nervous system, it has properties that reduce mental fatigue and protect the brain from neurotoxicity. This review addresses the metabolism of creatine and its possible therapeutic interventions in neurological function and the material used includes descriptive articles on the metabolism of the supplement and studies on the progressive decrease of phosphocreatine (PCr) with the advancement of degenerative diseases. In conclusion, creatine is already widely used for sports purposes and muscle performance, but it is evident that its role goes beyond the already known barriers and may have therapeutic values about Alzheimer's. However, the investigation of applicability is still at an early stage and the results are in the process of becoming evident.

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