Overview of studies on paa and pnae public policies in Brazilian literature

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Overview of studies on paa and pnae public policies in Brazilian literature

Alberto Bruno Alves Bispo dos Santos e Vitor Prates Lorenzo


This study aimed to identify the panorama of studies on the results achieved by strengthening public policies PAA and PNAE in Brazilian literature. To achieve this objective, we used the bibliographic survey in electronic databases: (1) Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO; (2) Portal Periodicals CAPES.( 3) Web of Science. We used a qualitative, descriptive methodological approach according to Minayo (2013). A total of 487 articles were found, which, after applying the exclusion criteria, left a total of 25 articles. It was concluded that there is a strengthening of family farming through public policies, both in relation to the potential, as well as the flow and strengthening of the socioeconomic criterion.

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