Logística e sustentabilidade na indústria da construção civil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Logística e sustentabilidade na indústria da construção civil

Altemir Fassina Junior, Thális Antonio Santos Rodrigues and Hellen Dayany Barboza Barros


In recent years, the construction industry has shown great growth and, consequently, there is an increasing concern about the amount of waste from construction and demolition. To minimize the impact on the environment, it is important that the correct disposal and recycling are applied according to each class of waste. As a result, it generates interest related to reverse logistics, which is defined as the process of planning, implementation, and efficient and effective cost control, to carry out the proper final disposal of the product, that is, the sustainable return of these wastes. This article aims to address the concepts and importance of reverse logistics for sustainability applied to the correct disposal of solid waste generated by civil construction. For the elaboration of this article, the authors were based on bibliographical research, where it can be seen that most companies that work in the civil construction sector do not use recyclable construction materials due to a lack of knowledge, since different types of waste from construction and demolition can become blocks, asphalt base and sub-base, among others. Because of this, it is important that the construction industry acquire knowledge about the importance of solid waste management, and apply it effectively so that the environmental impacts that this sector generates to the environment can be minimized.

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