Tipificação dos acidentes de trânsitos em rodovias federais de goiás

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Tipificação dos acidentes de trânsitos em rodovias federais de goiás

Ilton Belchior Cruvinel, Cléber Dias Gonçalves, Severino José da Silva, Gilda Mares Santos Diniz, Rogério Monteiro Gomes, Éder Leandro Rocha, Rosely Carolina dos Santos Santana and José Nicolau de Oliveira Neto


The objective of the present study was to identify a profile of the driver and describe the main factors that modify the particularities of the accidents and infractions that occur in the State of Goiás on federal highways. The second stage is divided into four phases, where the method proposed for the development of the research will be presented. The first phase is the definition of the periods for data analysis, the second is the survey and preparation of the elements, the third phase is data manipulation and analysis, and the last part is the presentation of the results and final considerations.

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