Photobiomodulation in bone injury repair: a systematic review

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Photobiomodulation in bone injury repair: a systematic review

Marcelo Baptista Dohnert, Rafael Fernando Argeo, Kenia Nogueira Ayres Argeo, Elizângela Sofia Ribeiro Rodrigues, Sávia Denise Silva Carlotto Herrera, Myllena da Silva Ribeiro, Rafaela de Carvalho Alves, Jacqueline Aparecida Philipino Takada, Pollyana Rodrigues de Oliveira, Giovanna Falcão Borba and Vanessa Lima Martins


Photobiomodulation (BM) is a non-invasive treatment that uses low intensity light for the effects to generate light response and not heat, it can be continuous wave or pulsed light with low density from 0.04 to 50 J/cm2, and power output from 1 to 500 mW, not allowing thermal effects. The effects of photobiomodulation (FBM) on bone fracture repair were analyzed through systematic review of randomized clinical trials and experimental studies of bone fractures addressed with photobiomodulation published in Pubmed/MEDLINE, Science Direct, EBSCO, PEDro and Cochrane Library databases. Between 2000 and 2020, as a comparator the active (control) and placebo groups. Results: 88 studies were found, 62 studies excluded and 26 included. Final considerations: The studies have shown beneficial effects on bone fractures such as bone healing, pain relief, function, edema and joint mobility in experimental studies in humans and animals, there is no consensus in the literature regarding parameters in terms of potency, time of treatment and wavelength. New studies should be carried out in order to identify the best FBM parameters in osteogenic property, pain and function were evaluated by the VAS - visual analogue scale or by the evaluation score of 0-10, strength by (flexion test (MultiTest1 -i®; Mecmesin) Limited, West Sussex), and joint mobility by (goniometer).

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