Détermination des points algébriques de degré donne quelconque sur la courbe d’équation affine y^2= x^3- 8x^2+ x

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Détermination des points algébriques de degré donne quelconque sur la courbe d’équation affine y^2= x^3- 8x^2+ x

Mohamadou Mor Diogou Diallo, Boubacar Balde and Oumar Sall


We determine explicitly the set of algebraic points of given degreeover Q on the affine curve y^2= x^3- 8x^2+ xmentioned in ([Fly, page 207]). where, we have shown that the Mordell-Weil group of this curve is finite. This note treat a special case of elliptic curves C∶ y^2 = (x - e_1 )(x - e_2 )(x - e_3 )These curves are described by Leopoldo KULESZ in ([Kul, page 107] ).

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