An expedited model to appraise project management office value

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

An expedited model to appraise project management office value

Dr. Jair Azevedo Júnior, Dr. Antônio Carlos de Oliveira Barroso and Dr. Carlos Anisio Monteiro


This study presents the development of a practical model to evaluate the perception of Project Management Office value as seen by project managers. Questions compiled through literature review and interaction with project managers are presented first. An exploratory factor analysis was used to define the best grouping of the items within factors that could be interpretable under the reviewed literature. To evaluate the efficacy of the proposed model, we performed a confirmatory analysis using the Partial Least Square variant of the Structural Equation Modeling. The model demonstrated good convergent validity, very good discriminant validity, and reliability. In addition, the values of its determination and path coefficients were well above the classically recommended values and were also statistically significant. Within the limitations of the tests we done thus far, it appears that a practical, robust, and potentially functional predictive model was achieved.

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