Neuropsychopedagogical therapy within the perspective of music therapy

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Neuropsychopedagogical therapy within the perspective of music therapy

Izadora Larissa Cei Lima, Carmem Lúcia Gomes de Araújo Souza, Patrícia do Socorro Coelho Portal, Rayferson Ytallu Medeiros Viana, Francisca Dérliene Neves de Oliveira, Breno Gabriel Cei Lima, Brenda de Fátima Oliveira de Lima, Jefferson Cardoso Coutinho, Itala Zilda Lima da Silva, Thayse Kelly da Silva Martino, Simone Tavares Valente and Elzelis Nascimento Souza


This research refers to Music and its direct relationship with the Teaching Learning process. This work brings, from the ideas of some authors, the importance of using music pedagogically in school interventions aiming at brain stimulation, so that there is a development in the social, cognitive, physical and psychological spheres. The general objective of this research is in fact to understand the relevance and influence that music has in the teaching-learning process and its neuroanatomical relationship with the subject in training. The study was developed through a bibliographic research, in the qualitative aspect, within a phenomenological scientific standard, which will associate the quality of teaching with systematic neuroanatomical information and progressive and transcendental pedagogical theories.

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