National Education policy a student Centric Policy: A Review

International Journal of Development Research

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2 pages
Research Article

National Education policy a student Centric Policy: A Review

Dr. Hema Digambarrao Makne


Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a notable step towards revising the Indian education system. It is focused at upgrading the quality of education and boosting the learning outcomes of students.The policy visualizes a student-centric approach to education, where the focus is on developing critical thinking, problem-solving and life skills among students.The core of the policy is to provide holistic education which helps the students not only acquire knowledge but also skill that are required through an approach that exposes them to become confidentand self-sustainable.The policy directs the students to gain field experiences, verifiable research in the field they follow their education, involving all the stakeholders and thus creating an ecosystem for good education by eliminating the blockade between several disciplines.In this new pattern, a student is at the Centre stage thus in this paper a review is taken on progressive shift of National education policy towards a more considerable,adaptable and student centric education system.

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