Morphology of the ileum, colon and rectum of silkworm (lepidoptera: bombycidae)

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Research Article

Morphology of the ileum, colon and rectum of silkworm (lepidoptera: bombycidae)

Sostenez Alexandre Vessaro-Silva, Mayarha Patricia Dequigiovanni Baggio, Ana Caroline Barbosa Retameiro, Rose Meire Costa Brancalhão and Lucinéia de Fátima Chasko Ribeiro


Silkworm is an insect whose cocoon is used as raw material in the textile industry. For the production of quality silk, a proper functioning of the digestive system is essential. This study examined the morphology of the hindgut chambers, with details of the area of the anal canal, which has been little studied in this important holometabola. The functional dynamism of the intestinal chambers can obscure important morphological characteristics. For this, segments of the hindgut were processed using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The analysis showed that the hindgut chambers were formed by a squamous epithelium lining that was supported on a basal lamina. Adjacent to the epithelium, there were multinucleated striated muscles arranged in longitudinal and circular layers. The anterior region of the rectum composes the cryptonephric system. The posterior rectum revealed an epithelium that continued to the integument; the associated musculature showed insertion points in the intima, establishing a dividing boundary with the anterior rectum. These muscles are responsible for the movements that lead to the removal of fecal pellets, and therefore, the posterior rectum constitutes the anal canal. This morphological knowledge provides basic information for future studies of this holometabolous, which is used in Brazilian sericulture.

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