Mobile app development for access to extrajudicial information of the judiciary of tocantins

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
Research Article

Mobile app development for access to extrajudicial information of the judiciary of tocantins

Harly Carreiro Varão, Fernando Henrique Lima Soares, Marcelo Lisboa Rocha and Gentil Veloso Barbosa


The Tocantins Court of Justice (TJTO) has achieved high levels of computerization of its cases, whether in the judicial or extrajudicial area. This scenario brings with it the need for transparency in the performance of such procedures, as well as the engagement of Tocantins citizens. The development and availability of a mobile app that enables citizens to access extrajudicial information may contribute to the consolidation of these aspects. In this sense, the objective of this research is to develop a mobile app aimed at accessing the extrajudicial information of the TJTO. For this, an exploratory research will be performed, with data collection through bibliographic research accompanied by theoretical resources, books, current legislation and electronic publications. As a result, the research will consider the time, team expertise, cost, complexity, and legislation in the context of the Tocantins Judiciary to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of technology factors in addressing app requirements. In the end, best practices for developing this mobile app in TJTO will be recognized, as well as its best application.

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