Microfinance - evolution, and microfinance-growth, of India

International Journal of Development Research

Microfinance - evolution, and microfinance-growth, of India


The present paper highlights the micro-finance & evaluates the position of micro-finance. The concept of microfinance is not new in India. Traditionally, people have saved with and taken small loans from individuals and groups within the context of self-help to start businesses or farming ventures. Majority of poor are excluded from financial services. Micro finance is a programme to support the poor rural people to pay its debt and maintain social and economic status in the villages. Micro-finance is an important tool for improving the standard of living of poor. Inspite of many organizations of micro finance, micro finance is not sufficient in India. The study explores some suggestions to make micro finance more effective. The potential for growing micro finance institutions in India is very high. Microfinance market in India is expected to grow rapidly, supported by government of India’s initiatives to achieve greater financial inclusion, and growth in the country’s unorganized but priority sector.  Microfinance has evolved rapidly into a global movement dedicated to providing access to a range of financial services to poor and near-poor households. The organizations that provide these services, known as microfinance institutions (MFIs) may operate as formal micro banks, non-bank financial institutions, non-governmental organizations, or community-based financial institutions. These providers offer a range of financial services from small business loans to savings accounts, money transfers, insurance, and consumer loans. Growth of the microfinance industry, however, the microfinance is important as a minimum condition for achieving these social missions.  Major Cross-section can have benefit if this sector will grow in its fastest pace. On the basis of growth and evolution related to micro finance, the study predicts the new agenda for future. The microfinance industry being very small in terms of value added to the Indian financial sector. It examines the experience, of India, which has one of the largest microfinance sectors in the world.  Globally, over a billion poor people are still without access to formal financial services. Some 200 million of these people live in India. Microfinance, the provision of a wide range of financial services to poor people, has proved a very successful way of providing immensely valuable services to poor people on a sustainable basis. Access to financial services has allowed many families throughout the developing world.  It is incontestable that an efficient and effective microfinance system is essential for building a sustained. Economic growth. The Indian Government should find an avenue for creation of awareness on how microfinance can benefit from loans and monitors closely to ensure disbursement of loans and grants to entrepreneurs.

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