Microcontroller based water purifier controller system in ZIGBEE technology

International Journal of Development Research

Microcontroller based water purifier controller system in ZIGBEE technology


In normal colleges and office campus different types of water cooler systems are being employed. The problem with these water coolers is that the absolute temperature of water set inside the container is not maintained properly and there is no fault indication system. Though the students pay for all these facilities but they do suffer from not having the guaranteed cold water by the authorities and moreover there is no complaining. The aim of this project is to automatically control the temperature of cold water in cooling system. Microcontroller based an embedded technology is used to develop the desired control mechanism. Besides measuring the temperature and control, the system also indicates the water level and purity of water with Zigbee technology is described in this paper. This is a very cheap and economically suitable system to save power consumption as well as give desired temperature control in cooling machine. A timely alarmed fault can thus, with the help of this technology could be quickly responded and removed.

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