Microbial diversity of alluvial brown soil from Nagapattinam Taluk, Nagapattinam District

International Journal of Development Research

Microbial diversity of alluvial brown soil from Nagapattinam Taluk, Nagapattinam District


The present study deals with the diversity, of soil fungi from different Agricultural fields and un cultivated soils of Nagapattinam Taluk Nagapatinam District, Tamil Nadu. Soil samples were collected at various seasons (Monsoon, Premonsoon, Summer, Postmonsoon) from three villages. The physico chemical parameters of the soils were identified. The physical parameter includes the analysis of pH, moisture content and temperature of the soils. The chemical parameter includes the macronutrients such as Carbon, Nitrogen, Pottasium, Phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and micronutrients such as Zinc, Iron, manganese and copper present were analysed crop land soils of three different villages. Totally 17 different species of soil bacteria were identified. Among the bacterial species were identified, Staphylococcus spp, E.coli, Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus spp were dominant bacteria in the collected soil samples. The chemical parameters and microbial population of rhizosphere soils of crop plant have suggested as future course work. Totally 16 different species of soil fungi were observed from the soil samples collected from Nagapattinam, Sikkal and Vadagudi villages. Among the fungal species identified, Aspergillus niger,  Aspergillus terrus, and Trichoderma viride were predominant in all the soil samples.

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