Media prejudice against women: Impact on gender narrative

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Media prejudice against women: Impact on gender narrative

Dr. Chidiebere C. Ogbonna and Margaret Lokawua


The study examines media violence against women and their impact on the construction of gender role and narrative in the society. In doing so, it employed the content analysis research method in analyzing media violence and how it affects women’s position in the society. The study argues that violence against women seems to be a growing phenomenon despite the fact that international treaties acknowledges women’s rights as human rights, and prohibit all forms of gender based violence and discrimination. Observably, the media has been promoting advisement campaigns that objectify women and present them as a mere object of sexual fantasy and gratification. This notion has kept women in disadvantaged position in the society, given that women are often perceived and treated in the same way the media portrays them. The article contend that incessant exposure to media advertisement campaigns with images that apparently cause indignity to women, has manipulated the society into accepting media violence against women as a norm. Today the images of women’s bodies are used to promote virtually every product in the market, while the members of the society accept such debauched trend without objection. Consequently, the society as a whole including women themselves has unwittingly become an accomplice to gender marginalization and subjugation. In light of the impact of this unhealthy phenomenon on societal behavior and interpersonal relationship and coexistence, the study suggest that an immediate positive actions should be taken to palliate this unfair situation and thus facilitate a more tolerant and respectful society.

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