Maternal body mass index and pregnancy outcomes

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Maternal body mass index and pregnancy outcomes

Dr. Swarnima Saxena, Dr. L.D. Kapadia and Dr. Shirish Toshniwal


Objectives: To evaluate the impact of the maternal body mass index on the pregnancy outcome. Materials and Methods: 100 women with singleton pregnancies during a 2-month period, were categorized into 5 groups based on their maternal Body Mass Index (BMI). The maternal and the neonatal outcome were noted in all the groups. Results: In the underweight group, the incidences of anaemia and postpartum hemorrhage were more, while the overweight and the obese women had a higher risk for PIH, gestational diabetes and postdatism. There was no significant increase in the perinatal mortality rate. Conclusion: The health of women, throughout their childbearing ages, should be addressed, to improve their obstetrical and perinatal outcomes. Also, the high-risk groups should be managed at tertiary centres.

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