Main predictors immunomodulatories of cancer

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

Main predictors immunomodulatories of cancer

Ana Valeria Garcia Ramirez, Idiberto José Zotarelli Filho, Maria Christiane Valéria Braga Braile-Sternieri, Domingo Marcolino Braile, Durval Ribas Filho, Eline de Almeida Soriano, Vivian Suen, Elza Daniel Mello and Filippo Pedrinola


Background: In the world, the highest incidences in the scenario of cancerous diseases in 2016 were those of lung cancer with 1.9 million, breast 1.8 million and colorectal 1.5 million. In Brazil, 580,000 new cases of cancer were estimated by 2014. In addition, protein-energy malnutrition, which occurs in 30,0-90,0 % of cancer patients, also causes adverse effects on the immune system. Objective: The goal of this paper was to describe in a brief and objective way, the important role of imunomodulators for the treatment of oncologic patients. Methodology: A literature review was carried out aiming at searching the most relevant data base: PubMed/Medline, LILACS, SeCS (Serials in Health Science), with keywords indexed by Bireme: (imunomodulators, cancer, nutritional therapy). Conclusion: This work allowed to evaluate the benefits of immunomodulating supplementation in patients with cancer by reducing the effects of septic and inflammatory complications. Imunomodulators have features that are capable of besides improving radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment efficacy, are also able to delay tumor growth.

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