The look of a physiotherapy professor in preceptoria - experience report
International Journal of Development Research
The look of a physiotherapy professor in preceptoria - experience report
Received 24th June, 2018; Received in revised form 27th July, 2018; Accepted 20th August, 2018; Published online 29th September, 2018
Copyright © 2018, Marcos Cezar Pomini et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Contextualization: Physiotherapy is considered a recent profession in the field of health and in the national field. In this almost a century of existence in Brazil, passed and goes through historical and curricular transformations showing the change of vision with the profession. The work within the Intensive Care Unit is one of the youngest sectors within the profession, often not being accompanied by Higher Education Institutions. Description of experience: Experience report showing a day of preceptory in the practical training program that takes place in five stages: patient choice, patient evaluation by the academic, dialogue between the academic and the preceptor, supervised practical assistance and re-discussion of the practical approach. Results and discussions: The adversities that arise in the life of the professional that participates in the preceptory show the re ality of a professional not prepared for such a situation. Final considerations: The encouragement of professional training will serve to better train this professional and consequently a mirror for academics eager for information.