Level of adjustment among adolescents

International Journal of Development Research

Level of adjustment among adolescents


Objectives: The objectives of the study are to assess the level of adjustment among first year B.Sc., (N) Basic students and associate the level of adjustment among first year B.Sc., (N) Basic with selected   demographic variables.
Design: Descriptive design research design was adopted to measure the level of understanding
Methods: 30 B.Sc (N) Basic 1year both male and female students were selected through simple random sampling technique.
Results: Based on the level of adjustment 86.7% had poor level of adjustment and 13.3% had average level of adjustment and none of them had good level of adjustment. There was no significant association between adjustments with the selected demographic variables (p<0.05).
Conclusion: adjustment plays important role in adolescents especially among college going adolescents. This issue could be addressed with regular conduction of one to one mentoring and support the adjustment become easier among adolescents.


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