Labour and employment strategy

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Labour and employment strategy

Abdilbaet A. Mamasadykov


Employment is a locomotive of a natioal economy. Through the years the question how to employ extensive labour force was the greatest issue of the state and particulary of each government of Kyrgyzstan. The answer is a trivial but not so easy to accomplish. Hundred thousands of labour migrants are abroad and they are not always safe and protected due to their status has been “left hanging up in the air” while they could be employed legally. Because of the economic situation in countries of employment, the migrants have been experiencing hard times by resisting to big storms and waves evoked by the early decade financial and economic crisises. The situation is not getting better for labour migrants through the years, the other way round the migrants became as a tool of political pressure. Both governments of residenсу and government of employment are negotiating political decisions rather to resolve its detailed problems. The article analizes internal situation in country and tries to suggest solutions on how to promote employment.

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